Literature: Snow Treasure Class Updates
If you have any questions, please contact Laurie Weir or Adrienne Collins at [email protected]
If you have any questions, please contact Laurie Weir or Adrienne Collins at [email protected]
April 27, 2021
Class Update: Week 5 (Last Class)
Class Update: Week 5 (Last Class)
- discussed the final chapters of Snow Treasure.
- learned about plot twists and identified the twist in the book.
- hunted for examples of personification and similes within the book.
- played "Team Trivia" Students asked Trivia questions they had written for homework to the opposing team.
April 20, 2021
Class Update: Week 4
Students ...
Class Update: Week 4
Students ...
- learned a brief history of World War II and how Norway was impacted.
- played a game to review first person and third person point-of-view.
- introduced the literary term "allusions." Viewed several examples of well-known allusions used literature and discussed the meanings. Students located two allusions found in the novel "Snow Treasure."
- we discussed chapter's read this past week.
- Finish reading the novel.
- Complete comprehension questions for the remainder of the chapters.
- Complete vocabulary part 2.
- Write five questions and answers about the novel for a game next week.
April 13, 2021
Class Update: Week 3
Students ...
Class Update: Week 3
Students ...
- glued their sled projects together while learning additional facts about Norway.
- discussed and learned about the Northern Lights that can be viewed in Norway.
- learned and discussed the literary term "point of view" (first person, second person, 3rd person objective, third person limited, and third person omniscient.
- discussed chapters 10 through about 17.
- Read chapters 21 - 26
- Complete the comprehension questions 21 - 26
- Complete Part A only of the vocabulary.
April 6, 2021
Class Update: Week 2
Students ...
Class Update: Week 2
Students ...
- sanded their sled projects while learning some fun facts about Norway.
- briefly reviewed prior information.
- learned how to answer comprehensions by borrowing words from the question and writing answers using a complete sentence.
- discussed the characters and the plot of the story in detail.
- played a vocabulary game to review the first fifteen vocabulary words.
- Read chapters 11 - 20.
- Complete the comprehension questions for chapters 11 - 20.
- Complete the vocabulary Part A (Remember that you will need a dictionary to help you complete this weeks work)
- Review Vocabulary on Quizlet -
March 23, 2021
Class Updates: Week 1
*Please check information on how to answer comprehension questions. Next class period we will cover it.)
1. Complete vocabulary A & B.
2. Read chapters 1 - 10
3. Complete the comprehension questions for chapters 1 - 10.
4. Quizlet - Vocabulary Review
Class Updates: Week 1
- introduction game.
- learned about author Marie McSwigan life.
- took notes on the author, setting, and genre.
- read the forward and searched for additional information about the book found in the forward.
- learned a little bit about the geography of the country of Norway.
*Please check information on how to answer comprehension questions. Next class period we will cover it.)
1. Complete vocabulary A & B.
2. Read chapters 1 - 10
3. Complete the comprehension questions for chapters 1 - 10.
4. Quizlet - Vocabulary Review